Driving Directions
General and Cosmetic Dentistry - Dr. Holly B. Waite
The Rocky River Professional Arts Building is located at 21851 Center Ridge Road in Rocky River, Ohio 44116. Center Ridge Road is between Wagar Road or West 210 Street and Clague roads. Landmarks to look for are The Woods restaurant and Westwood Town Center.
From the east or west take I-90 towards Rocky River. Take Exit 159 at Columbia Road (State Route 252). Travel south on Columbia Road to Center Ridge Road. Turn left (east) onto Center Ridge Road. The office address is 21851 Center Ridge Road next to Westwood Town Center and The Woods restaurant.
From the south take I-71 North to I-480 west. Exit at Clague Road. Turn right (north) onto Clague Road and travel north to Center Ridge Road. Turn right (east) onto Center Ridge Road. The office address is 21851 Center Ridge Road next to The Woods restaurant and Westwood Town Center.
![Click for dirving directions](//C1-preview.prosites.com/27819/wy/images/bigmap.jpg)